Unlike traditional orphanages that rely on extensive funding efforts, Our Bali Kids follows a unique approach, centering our financial model around sponsors who are dedicated to supporting individual children. Through our journey with the Salvation Army Orphanage, we met Denok, our now foster daughter, when she was just 14. Now grown, she has become an essential part of our family and leads Our Bali Kids’ operations with immense dedication. Her presence in our lives has been invaluable, and our hope is that others might experience similar connections through our sponsorship program.

As we continue building additional homes for the children, we aim to add kids to our family as sponsors are available, ensuring that each child receives the full care and support they need. We currently plan to build four homes each year as wel grow, with each home costing approximately $16,000, fully furnished. While Renee and Patrick initially planned to fund these homes ourselves, the incredible support from friends has inspired us and allowed us to keep this project moving forward.

 We gratefully welcome both sponsorships and one-time donations, which are essential to sustaining and expanding this meaningful work.

You can donate either monthly or give a one time gift here.


Sponsor a Child





Children that still need a sponsor