Our Partners

Bayview Church in Guam has been an integral part of our support for the first two houses built. As we grow together we anticipate that some of the Bayview families will visit Our Bali Kids and/or send their kids down to spend time with our kids. There is nothing our kids enjoy more than simply spending time with people outside the orphanage. It comforting to know that people care and it helps to break the cycle that many orphanages end up creating. Pastor Kevin has allowed us to work with many of the Bayview families as we grow our sponsorship program and bring in more needy children. CLICK HERE for more information.


Tel-A-Village, founded by Renee's Godfather, Bill Myers, who recently passed away. It is now run by his son and grandson. Tel-A-Village is a Christian organization that provides spiritual programming throughout Indonesia. Thanks to this organization they have helped us navigate the complexities of Indonesian culture, language, and laws. As our project grows, Tel-A-Village will be a vital platform for reaching out to those most in need. CLICK HERE for more information.


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